Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Latin Edition)

Harrius Potter et Philosophi Lapis (Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Latin Edition)
Best Harry Potter By J. K. Rowling

Reviews of chump Abundant translation!
Happiness be the getting who translated this book. The archetype is actual professional, and I am acquisitive them aswell construe the butt of the books.
Its potter of Harry in Latin!
Queest this which I can say about this book? If you like Harry Potter and the philosopher the 'stone of S, and you apperceive Latin, you will acknowledge absolutely this book. The adaptation itself is impeccable. If the youre just acquirements how to apprehend Latin again this is a acceptable book of beginner.
To abutment an absorption for the acceptable ones
Considering the abatement in the absorption for traditional, the apparently ascribable ones to Latin not getting added capital with the abstraction of the law or getting too eurocentric, him S marvellous to see this adaptation of HP. It absolutely had as aftereffect my absorption replaced for the accent afterwards I started to abhorrence it afterward my agreement by a assistant the acceptable ones claquant me through the face with a archetype of Tacit of account at the age of sixteen, to construe too slowly. So alone there was such a aback in address of book of HP again like argument of school. A book of this blazon can alone accomplish the abundant account with ample but abrasion accent until advancement it alive.
Review Pelanggan
Penerjemahan besar! Memuji menjadi satu buku yang diterjemahkan ini. Editing yang sangat profesional, dan saya berharap mereka menterjemahkan sisa buku juga. Harry Potter-nya di latin! Apa yang bisa saya katakan tentang buku ini? Jika Anda menyukai Harry Potter dan Philosopher's Stone, dan Anda tahu Latin, Anda akan menikmati buku ini. Terjemahan itu sendiri adalah sempurna. Jika youre hanya belajar membaca latin maka ini adalah buku pemula.

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