Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Shopping Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
(Widescreen Edition)

Description of product
Seigneur Voldemort is turned over, but little want to believe it. In fact, the ministry for the magic makes very that it can keep the world wizarding knowledge the truth - including/understanding to name the ministry Dolores official Umbridge like new defense against the dark professor of arts at Hogwarts. When professor Umbridge refuses to train his students in the defensive magic practises, a selected group of students decides to learn all alone. With Harry Potter as a their chief, these students (who themselves of call Dumbledore 'armed with S ) meet secretly in a room hidden at Hogwarts to sharpen their qualifications wizarding for the battle with the dark lord and his eaters of death. The new adventure - more dangerous, more exciting that never - is with you in this film attractive version of the fifth novel series of J.K. Rowling of 's Harry Potter. A showdown terrifying between the good and the evil waits. You with the battle prepare!
Reviews of customer
Film of year 5 of Harry Potter
I thought that it was a large film. It is recreation, but it omits much book as usual!
Good deal
The handsome price particularly if you 're like me and you put 'care of T if you 'about observing the versions in broad format or full page, less than 6 males for a dvd very nine is large + the free superb forwarding of saver.
Harry Potter - Phoenix
With bought this version specifically because it is the WS. If you are a ventilator of Harry Potter you obtained to have it.

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